Contents Part I The Presentation of Data About Crime and Justice: Cover page and pages 23-33, Observer Magazine (17 February 1991); Research - who needs it?, Don M. Gottredson. Part 2 Crime Trends and Patterns: Historical trends in violent crime: a critical review of the evidence, Ted Robert Gurr; Why does crime decrease?, David P. Farrington and Elizabeth A. Dowds; Surveying crime: findings from the 1992 British Crime Survey, Pat Mayhew and Natalie Aye Maung; A cross-national comparison of victims of crime: victim surveys of 12 countries, Richard Block; Economic cycles and crime in Europe, S. Field; Multiple victimisation: its extent and significance, Graham Farrell; What is different about high crime areas?, Alan Trickett, Denise R. Osborn, Julie Seymour and Ken Pease; Hot spots of predatory crime: routine activities and the criminology of place, Lawrence W. Sherman, Patrick R. Gartin and Michael E. Buerger. Part 2 Statistics of Criminality: The prevalence of convictions, David P Farrington; Criminal careers in London and Stockholm: a cross-national comparative study, David P. Farrington and Per-Olof H. Wikstrom; A reconviction predictor for probationers, Christopher Humphrey, Pauline Carter and Ken Pease; Delinquent generations, Leslie T. Wilkins; Drugs and crime, James Q. Wilson; Unemployment and criminal involvement: an investigation of reciprocal causal structures, Terence P. Thornberry and R.L. Christenson. Part 3 Statistics of Criminal Justice: Severe sentences: no deterrent to crime, Robert Baxter and Chris Nuttall; Police cautioning of juveniles in London, David Farrington and Trevor Bennett; Feminists, extravagances, Nigel Walker; Standardising prosecutions, Debbie Crisp; The use of suspended sentences, R.F. Sparks; Prison size, overcrowding, prison violence and recidivism, David P. Farrington and Christopher P. Nuttall; Does correctional treatment work? A clinically relevant and psychologically informed mete-analysis, D.A Andrews, Ivan Zinger, Robert D. Hoge, James Bonta, Paul Gendeau and Francis T. Cullen; Name index.
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