1: Introduction
A: Overview
B: Relevant Treaty Law
2: Treaty Interpretation: History and Background
A: Pre-Vienna Convention Treaty Interpretation Rules
B: Development of the Convention Rules
C: Criticism of the Convention Rules
D: Customary Status and FIAT Use of the Convention Rules
E: Interpretation and Application Distinguished
F: Who May Interpret Treaties?
G: What May be Interpreted by the Convention Rules?
3: The General Rule of Treaty Interpretation
A: Introduction
B: Article 31(1)
C: Article 31(2)
D: Article 31(3)
E: Article 31(4)
4: Supplementary Means of Interpretation
A: Article 32
B: Preparatory Work
C: Circumstances of a Treaty's Conclusion
D: Confirming a Meaning
E: Determining a Meaning
5: Non-Codified Means of Interpretation
A: Introduction
B: Use of Prior Awards and Decisions
C: Treaties, Instruments, or Materials
D: Scholarly Opinion
E: Inter-Temporal Aspects
F: Principle of Effectiveness
G: Legal Maxims
6: Interpretation Jurisprudence Particular to Investment Arbitration
A: The AAP Rules
B: Failure to Apply Convention Rules
C: Unilateral Declarations Consenting to Investment Arbitration
D: Umbrella Clauses
E: Most Favoured Nation Clauses
F: Disclosure of Preparatory Work
G: Pro-Investor Bias in Interpreting Investment Treaties?
H: Restrictive Interpretation
I: Pre-Arbitration Waiting Period
J: Interpreting Silence
7: Conclusion
A: Conclusions on FIAT Treaty Interpretation Practice
B: Suitability of Convention Rules for Investor-State Disputes
C: Contribution of FIAT Practice to Internation Law
I: Analytical Tables of FIAT Treaty Interpretation Practice
II: Comparison between Articles 27-29 of the 1966 ILC Draft and Articles 31-33 of the Vienna Convention
III: Comparative Table of Draft Treaty Interpretation Rules
IV: Umbrella Clause Comparative Table
V: Selected ICJ Decisions Confirming Customary Status of the Convention Rules
VI: Other Selected International Decisions Confirming Customary Status of the Convention Rules
VII: Selected Domestic Court Decisions Confirming Customary Status of the Convention Rules
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Albert Jan Van Den Berg
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Jorge A. Huerta-Goldman
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