Part I - International Sales Governed by English Law
1: Introduction to International Sales
2: The Performance Obligations of Seller and Buyer in English Law
3: FOB Contracts
4: CIF Contracts
5: Licences and Impossibility
6: Payments
7: Passing of Property and Risk
8: Bills of Lading and Documents of Title
9: Remedies: Termination and Damages
Part II - International Sales Governed by the UN Sales Convetion 1980 (CISG)
10: The CISG: General Issues
11: The CISG and English Law Compared
12: The Substantive Law of the CISG: Formation of the Contract
13: The Substantive Law of the CISG: Performance of the Contract
14: The Substantive Law of the CISG: Remedies for Non-Performance
15: Common European Sales Law Regulation
A Practitioner's Guide to Inside Information. 2nd ... -- ©2012
Brian McDonnell
List Price : £ 135.00A Practitioner's Guide to Inside Information. 2nd ... -- ©2012
Brian McDonnell
List Price : £ 135.00
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