Sustainable Steel Buildings will review steel and its potential as a sustainable building material. It will provide a comprehensive overview of sustainability, and show how steel can be used to deliver buildings and structures with a high level of sustainability. The book will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of steel and how those characteristics can be used under a range of international certification systems (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, openhouse etc). To ensure comprehensiveness, the book will cover the following: The background of sustainable building Basic concepts of sustainable construction Methods and design tools for the delivery of sustainable buildings Steel and its performance in certification systems, both criteria and material-specific answers Information and data on relevant steel construction products Examples of sustainable steel buildings
Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods -- ©2014
Peter G. Nicholson
List Price : US$ 136.00Whole-Life Value-Based Decision-Making in Asset ... -- ©2016
Rengarajan Srinivasan
List Price : £ 45.00Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment ... -- ©2014
Harold F. Hemond
List Price : US$ 115.00Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and ... -- ©2014
Rikard Benton Heslehurst
List Price : £ 108.00Innovative Bridge Design Handbook Construction, ... -- ©2015
Alessio Pipinato
List Price : US$ 150.00Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods -- ©2014
Peter G. Nicholson
List Price : US$ 136.00Whole-Life Value-Based Decision-Making in Asset ... -- ©2016
Rengarajan Srinivasan
List Price : £ 45.00Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment ... -- ©2014
Harold F. Hemond
List Price : US$ 115.00Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and ... -- ©2014
Rikard Benton Heslehurst
List Price : £ 108.00Innovative Bridge Design Handbook Construction, ... -- ©2015
Alessio Pipinato
List Price : US$ 150.00
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