VOLUME I: Defining, Delineating and Explaining State Crime: Part 1 Conceptual, Definitional and Methodological Issues: Conclusion, Louis Proall; Counting bodies: the dismal science of authorized terror, Irving Louis Horowitz; Crime, criminology and human rights: towards an understanding of state criminology, Greg Barak; Toward the study of governmental crime: nuclear weapons, foreign intervention and international law, David Kauzlarich, Ronald C. Kramer and Brian Smith; Human rights and crimes of the state: the culture of denial, Stanley Cohen. Part 2 The Varieties of State Crime: War-making: War, revolution and the growth of the coercive state, Ted Robert Gurr. Genocide: Genocide: toward a functional definition, Ward Churchill; Victims of the state: genocides, politicides and group repression from 1945-1995, Barbara Harff and Ted Robert Gurr; The bureaucracy of murder revisited, Albert Breton and Ronald Wintrobe. Nuclearism: Nuclear energy and the destiny of mankind – some criminological perspectives, Richard Harding; A criminology of the nuclear state, David Kauzlarich. Part 3 State-Sponsored Terrorism and Crimes Against Citizens: Whose terrorists? Libya and state criminality, Philip Jenkins; State sponsored terror violence, J.D. van der Vyer; Government breaks the law: the sabotaging of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Harry Brill. Part 4 Hybrid Forms of State Crime: State-Organized Crime: State-organizes crime - The American Society of Criminology, William J. Chambliss. State-Corporate Crime: State-corporate crime in the US nuclear weapons production complex, David Kauzlarich and Ronald C. Kramer. Political White Collar Crime: The corruption of politics and the politics of corruption: an overview, David Nelkin and Michael Levi. Part 5 Comparative Dimensions of State Crime: State violence and violent crime, Ronald C. Kramer; Locating the Holocaust of the genocide spectrum: towards a methodology of definition and categorization, Henry R. Huttenbach; Socialist graft: the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China - a preliminary survey, Peter Harris; Political scandal: a Western luxury?, Stephen Riley. Part 6 Explaining State Crime: Three faces of cruelty: towards a comparative sociology of violence, Randall Collins; Genocide and mass destruction: doing harm to others as a missing dimension of psychopathology, Israel W. Charny; The genesis of genocide in Rwanda: the fatal dialectic of class and ethnicity, David Norman Smith; Democracy, Power, genocide and mass murder, R.J. Rummel; Name index.
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