Rights and Duties of Directors, 16th edition, clearly explains the rights and powers of directors and their specific duties as prescribed by company law and associated legislation.
This is an invaluable guide for all company directors - and their legal advisers - whatever the size of their organisation, as well as company secretaries and HR professionals. Rights and Duties of Directors details each and every duty in relation to the core administration, compliance and disclosure requirements of company law and other closely associated legislation.
Covers the following:
The nature of office of director
Directors, the Board and the company secretary
Directors' rights
Statutory statement of directors' general duties
Breach of duty by a director
Statutory duties of directors
Accounting and financial responsibilities of directors
Directors' duties and the members
Directors' duties in public and listed companies
Directors and corporate governance
Directors' duties and employment issues
Directors' duties and the environment
Duties and the customer
Directors, creditors and insolvency
Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials ... -- ©2016
Sarah Worthington
List Price : £ 37.00
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