In this, the second edition of Private International Law and the Internet , Dan Svantesson takes a fresh and original approach to what is perhaps the most crucial current issue in private international law; that is, how the Internet affects and is affected by the four fundamental questions: When should a lawsuit be entertained by the courts? Which state’s law should be applied? When should a court that can entertain a lawsuit decline to do so? And will a judgment rendered in one country be recognized and enforced in another?
He identifies and investigates eleven characteristics of Internet communication that are relevant to these questions, and then proceeds with a detailed discussion of what is required of modern private international law rules.
Dr Svantesson’s approach focuses on several issues that have far-reaching practical consequences in the Internet context, including the following:
cross-border defamation;
cross-border business contracts;
cross-border consumer contracts; and
cross-border trademark issues.
A wide survey of private international law solutions encompasses insightful analyses of relevant laws adopted in a variety of countries including Australia, England, Hong Kong, the United States, Germany, Sweden, and China as well as in a range of international instruments. There is also a chapter on advances in geo-identification technology and its special value for legal practice. The book concludes with two model international conventions, one on cross-border defamation and one on cross-border contracts; as well as a set of practical check-lists to guide legal practitioners faced with cross-border matters within the discussed fields.
Dr Svantesson's book brings together a wealth of research findings in the overlapping disciplines of law and technology that will be of particular utility to practitioners and academics working in this new and rapidly changing field. His thoughtful analysis of the interplay of the developing Internet and private international law will also be of great value, as will the tools he offers with which to anticipate the future. Private International Law and the Internet provides a remarkable stimulus to continue working towards globally acceptable rules on jurisdiction, applicable law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments for communication via the Internet.
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List Price : £ 230.00Compensation for Environmental Damages under ... -- ©2011
Tarcisio Hardman Reis
List Price : € 100.00Fresh Water in International Law Laurence Boisson ... -- ©2013
Boisson De Chazournes
List Price : £ 70.00International Competition Enforcement Law Between ... -- ©2011
Jorg Philipp Terhechte
List Price : € 90.00International Contracting. Law and Practice - 3rd ... -- ©2013
Larry A. Dimatteo
List Price : € 185.00
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