Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers is the first book on parallel MATLAB and the first parallel computing book focused on the design, code, debug, and test techniques required to quickly produce well-performing parallel programs.
MATLAB is currently the dominant language of technical computing with one million users worldwide, many of whom can benefit from the increased power offered by inexpensive multicore and multinode parallel computers. MATLAB is an ideal environment for learning about parallel computing, allowing the user to focus on parallel algorithms instead of the details of implementation.
Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers covers more parallel algorithms and parallel programming models than any other parallel programming book due to the succinctness of MATLAB. It presents a “hands-on” approach with numerous example programs; wherever possible, the examples are drawn from widely known and well-documented parallel benchmark codes that are representative of many real applications across the field of technical computing.