The Israel Defense Forces have gained much experience against hybrid opponents — Hezbollah and Hamas — in the recent conflicts in Lebanon and Gaza. The lessons from these Israeli experiences are relevant to understanding the capabilities the U.S. Army and the joint force will require in the future. Principal findings include the following. The basics of combined arms fire and maneuver are necessary for successful operations against sophisticated hybrid opponents who, like Hezbollah and Hamas, have a modicum of training, organization, and advanced weapons, particularly if they are operating “among the people.” Additionally, precision, standoff fires are critical, but not sufficient, to cope with sophisticated hybrid opponents. Furthermore, responsive and adequate air, artillery, and unmanned aerial system support are critical components of the combined arms fight against hybrid opponents. Finally, heavy forces — based on tanks and infantry fighting vehicles — are key elements of any force that will fight sophisticated irregular opponents, because they reduce operational risk and minimize friendly casualties.
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List Price : US$ 22.00Evaluating the Reliability of Emergency Response ... -- ©2010
Brian A. Jackson
List Price : US$ 53.00The Challenge of Domestic Intelligence in a Free ... -- ©2009
A. Jackson Brian
List Price : US$ 42.00A Strategic Approach to Joint Officer Management -- ©2009
Margaret C. Harrell
List Price : US$ 42.00An Economic Analysis of the Financial Records of ... -- ©2010
Benjamin Bahney
List Price : US$ 22.00Evaluating the Reliability of Emergency Response ... -- ©2010
Brian A. Jackson
List Price : US$ 53.00
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