Gain Hands on Insight, Make the Connections, Analyze the Theory, and Tailor the Material to Your Course!
Building on his expertise in macroeconomic policymaking at the Federal Reserve, Mishkin’s Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice text clearly provides a theoretical framework that illustrates the most current and relevant policy debates in the field.
This new and exciting text has everything you need to Teach Your Course Your Way and still provide your students with the most current and relevant policies and practice in Macroeconomics today!
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•One Place for All of Your Courses. Improved registration experience and a single point of access for instructors and students who are teaching and learning multiple MyLab/Mastering courses.
•A Simplified User Interface. The new user interface offers quick and easy access to Assignments, Study Plan, eText & Results, as well as additional option for course customization.
•New Communication Tools. The following new communication tools can be used to foster collaboration, class participation, and group work.