An experience based, practical guide to litigation readiness
Addresses all the elements of a change management initiative
An excellent, practical, easy-to-comprehend guide for corporations on how to control and manage electronically stored information
The flow of the book is "broad to narrow," and follows a simple storyline
It is not too technical for a non-lawyer or a non-technocrat
Industry studies indicate that corporations in the United States spend almost $4-5 billion annually taking electronically stored information (ESI) from its source and producing it for a requesting party. The cost to review this information for privilege/responsiveness prior to production is estimated to be another $30 billion. Traditional solutions to these problems have ranged from knee-jerk (and expensive) purchases and implementation of software and hardware for managing discovery, to abdicating responsibility for the process to law firms, to half-hearted attempts at managing the process with capacity-constrained in-house legal, IT and records management resources. The failure of these approaches has led to a growing recognition that corporations should approach "the inevitable" (i.e., litigation & discovery) with a proactive and organized approach, which is known as "litigation readiness." This phrase was first introduced to the market in 2004 by Prashant Dubey, one of the authors of this book in the form of an executive primer book entitled: Litigation Readiness: Mastering the Inevitable. Seven years hence, the co-authors have authored a book based on years of learning derived from helping dozens of corporations achieve a higher level of litigation readiness in the face of an every growing electronically stored information ecosystem. Litigation Readiness: A Practical Approach to Electronic Discovery is a strategic guide to litigation readiness, or how a corporation can establish and embed a business process for responding to discovery when compelled to produce ESI.
Readership: Legal practitioners (in-house and law firm) and legal support staff seeking guidance on litigation readiness and ESI. Records management and information governance professionals within companies. Information Technology professionals within companies. Line managers in a corporation.
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