About the Author. Foreword. Acknowledgements. List of Abbreviations. 1. The Road from Warsaw 1929 to Montreal 1999. 2. The Evolution of the Montreal Convention 1999. 3. The Birth of the Montreal Convention 1999. 4. The Developing Body of Montreal Convention Jurisprudence. 5. The Application of the Convention Liability Rules. 6. The Legal Status of the Convention Liability System in the United States. 7. Definition of Terms. 8. Transportation of Passengers. 9. Transportation of Baggage. 10. Transportation of Cargo. 11. Liability for Delay in Transportation. 12. Jurisdiction. 13. Limitations Period. 14. Damages, Limitations of Liability, Defenses. Appendices: A-I. International Law Instruments and Parties. A-II. Intercarrier Agreements. B. Table of Cases. Selected Reference Materials. Index.
The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
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Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
Petros C. Mavroidis
List Price : £ 180.00Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract ... -- ©2009
Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00
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