Offers a unique and comprehensive treatment of both jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and the enforcement of consequent judgments and awards
Covers all issues arising from jurisdiction, arbitration, mediation agreements in relation to commercial contracts
Looks at all aspects of enforcement from the grant of stay, to injunctive and declaratory relief and an action for damages
Includes an extensive treatment on the enforcement of judgments and awards
Supplies detailed guidance on the validity, scope, construction, incorporation and enforceability of mediation clauses in commercial contracts
Looks at the role of expert determination
Remedies including stay, anti-suit injunctions, resolution of clash of jurisdictions and the enforcement of judgments are assessed from both the EU and common law perspectives
Includes analysis of the important proposals for the reform of the Brussels I Regulation currently under discussion
Includes new statutory and arbitration material including the amendments to the UNCITRAL arbitration model law, a new EC regulation on mediation, and the finalized version of the Hague Convention
Covers the new Lugano Convention that came into force in January 2010
Covers all of the hundred or more important decisions of the English and European courts in this field since the last edition
Features a brand new chapter on the enforcement of arbitral awards under the New York Convention
Includes an expanded section on interim relief granted by arbitral tribunals covering the latest jurisprudence in investment treaty arbitration
Includes a new chapter on the enforcement of arbitration agreements involving States and State entities
Thinking About the Elgin Marbles: Critical Essays ... -- ©2009
John Henry Merryman
List Price : € 200.00Law and Democracy in Neil MacCormick's Legal and ... -- ©2011
John Erik Fossum
List Price : € 140.00Thinking About the Elgin Marbles: Critical Essays ... -- ©2009
John Henry Merryman
List Price : € 200.00Law and Democracy in Neil MacCormick's Legal and ... -- ©2011
John Erik Fossum
List Price : € 140.00
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