Introduction Part 1: Diplomatic Negotiation I: Diplomatic Negotiation and the Themes of War 1. The Confrontation of Forces 2. Thought and Action II: Diplomatic Negotiation and Trade 1. The Balance of Interest 2. Trust and Skill III: Diplomatic Negotiation and the Rule of Law 1. Reconciling Sovereignties 2. Norm and Contract Part 2: Institutional Negotiation I: Alliances 1. The Nature of Alliances 2. The Diplomatic Effect of Alliances II: Conferences and Organizations 1. Multipartite Conferences 2. International Organizations III: The European Union 1. The Framework for Dialogue 2. External Negotiation IV: Organizational Negotiation 1. Organized Negotiation 2. Regulation by Negotiation Part 3: Prospective Negotiation I: The Aggravation of Threats 1. The Polarization of Hegemonies 2. The Spreading Risks II: The Increasing Complexity of International Relations 1. Transnational Factors 2. The Birth of a Global Vision III: The Prospects for Negotiation 1. Refining the Methods 2. Anticipation and Hypothesis Part 4: Negotiation: A Political Art I: System and Strategy 1. International and National Systems 2. Negotiation and Acts of State II: The Skills of the Negotiator 1. The Role of Personality 2. Summit Negotiation III: Negotiation and State Power 1. The Mission of Government 2. Public Opinion and Negotiation 3. Democracy and Negotiation. Conclusions
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Petros C. Mavroidis
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