Introduction. 1. The Elements of an International Dispute Resolution Agreement. 2. Negotiating an International Dispute Resolution Agreement. 3. When the Dispute Arises. 4. International Settlement Negotiation and Mediation. 5. The Conduct of the Arbitration. 6. After the Arbitration: Challenge, Recognition and Enforcement of the Award. 7. ICSID and Investment Treaty Arbitration. Appendices: 1. Glossary of International Arbitration Terms and Abbreviations. 2. Caseload of Selected Arbitral Institutions. 3. List of International Arbitration and Mediation Institutions, Rules, Laws, Conventions and Other Instruments. 4. Model Clauses for Institutional Arbitration. 5 . Model Clause for Ad Hoc Arbitration. 6. Model Early Case Assessment (ECA) Template. 7. Suggested Model Request for Arbitration for ICC Arbitration. 8. Model Answer to Request for Arbitration [and Counterclaim] in an ICC Arbitration. 9. Suggested Terms of Reference for ICC Arbitration. 10. Suggested Model Provisional Timetable for ICC Arbitration. 11. Suggested Model Request to Produce Documents in ICC Arbitration. 12. Suggested Privileged Log for an ICC Arbitration. 13. Suggested Model ‘Redfern Schedule’ for an ICC Arbitration. 14. Bibliography. 15. Netherlands Model Bilateral Investment Treaty. 16. United States Model Bilateral Investment Treaty.
The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
Petros C. Mavroidis
List Price : £ 180.00Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract ... -- ©2009
Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
Petros C. Mavroidis
List Price : £ 180.00Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract ... -- ©2009
Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00
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