Chapter 1. Introduction. § 1. Force Majeure and Hardship in International Commercial Transactions. § 2. General Principles of Commercial Contracts: Methodological Approach. Chapter 2. Scope of Application of General Contract Principles. § 3. General Remarks on the Governing Law and the Application of General Contract Principles. § 4. Choice of Law Agreement Providing for the Application of a National Law. § 5. No Choice of Law Made by the Parties. Chapter 3. The Concept of Non-performance. § 6. The Concept of Non-Performance under General Contract Principles. Chapter 4. Force Majeure Excuse.§ 7.The Force Majeure Excuse as a General Principle of Law. § 8. Individual Requirements of the Force Majeure Excuse under General Contract Principles. § 9. Legal Effects of the Force Majeure Excuse. § 10. Interpretation and Effects of Force Majeure Clauses. Chapter 5. Hardship (Change of Circumstances): Fundamental Change of the Equilibrium of the Contract. § 11. Hardship as a General Principle of Law. § 12. Individual Requirements of the Hardship Defence. § 13. Legal Effects of Hardship. § 14. Interpretation and Legal Effects of Hardship Clauses. § 15. Hardship Distinguished from Other Remedies. Chapter 6. Conclusion.
Bibliography, Principles on Force Majeure in the CISG, UPICC,PECL, the TLDB-Principles and ICC Force Majeure Clause 2003, Principles on Hardship in the UPICC, PECL, the TLDB-Principles and ICC Hardship Clause 2003, Index
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