Series preface; Introduction; Part I Clarity, Doubt and Context: The Contours of the Study of Regulation and Compliance: Combating financial crime: regulatory versus crime control approaches, Hazel Croall; Critical reflections on regulation, Julia Black; Regulatory reform in light of regulatory character: assessing industrial safety change in the aftermath of the Kader toy factory fire in Bangkok, Thailand, Fiona Haines. Part II Regulation, Private Ordering and State Control: Self-regulation as policy process: the multiple and criss-crossing stages of private rule-making, Tony Porter and Karsten Ronit; The administrative law of global private-public regulation: the case of forestry, Errol Meidinger; Between self-regulation and the Alien Tort Claims Act: on the contested concept of corporate social responsibility, Ronen Shamir; Evaluating the audit explosion, Michael Power; Motivating management: corporate compliance in environmental protection, Neil A. Gunningham, Dorothy Thornton and Robert A. Kagan. Part III Criminal Law and Its Discontents: The Ford Pinto case and the development of auto safety regulations, 1893–1978, Matthew T. Lee; The politics of corporate manslaughter – the British experience, James Gobert; Corporate prosecution, cooperation and the trading of favors, William S. Laufer. Part IV Challenges for Law and Regulation: Creative compliance in financial reporting, Atul K. Shah; Lobster poaching and the ironies of law enforcement, John L. McMullan and David C. Perrier; The political economy of fraud in a globalised industry: the case of seafarers' certifications, Barnado Obando-Rojas, Ian Welsh, Michael Bloor, Tony Lane, Vidu Badigannavar and Michael Maguire; Disaster by design: corruption, construction and catastrophe, Penny Green. Part V The Challenges of regulatory Reform: (Not so) smart regulation? Canadian shellfish aquaculture policy and the evolution of instrument choice for industrial development, Michael Howlett and Jeremy Rayner; Integrating sustainable development and economic restructuring: a role for regulation theory?, David Gibbs; Turning off the tap: urban water service delivery and the social construction of global administrative law, Bronwen Morgan; Terrorism and probability neglect, Cass R. Sunstein; The engineer's dilemma: a sociological perspective on juridification and regulation, Fiona Haines and Adam Sutton; Index.
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