1. Bias in International Commercial Arbitration.
2. Lord Hewart’s Ghost (England).
3. Varying Approaches in Europe.
4. The American Way.
5. Competing Tests in the Asia Pacific.
6. Rules of Bias in the Lex Mercatoria.
7. Bias Challenges in Investor-State Arbitration.
8. Conclusion.
The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
Petros C. Mavroidis
List Price : £ 180.00Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract ... -- ©2009
Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00The Wto And International Trade Law / Dispute ... -- ©2005
Petros C. Mavroidis
List Price : £ 180.00Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract ... -- ©2009
Christoph Brunner
List Price : € 175.00
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