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Catalogue / Continuum Press

21st Century Diplomacy  A Practitioner's Guide

21st Century Diplomacy A Practitioner's Guide -- ©2011

Krishan S. Rana
  • List Price : Rs  895.00
Conversations on Truth

Conversations on Truth -- ©2009

Mick Gordon
  • List Price : £  15.00
Ethics of Torture

Ethics of Torture -- ©2009

J. Jeremy Wisnewski
  • List Price : £  17.00
Fundamentalisms and the Media

Fundamentalisms and the Media -- ©2009

Stewart M. Hoover
  • List Price : £  20.00
International Law and International Relations

International Law and International Relations -- ©2000

J. Craig Barker
  • List Price : Rs  395.00
Leadership Skills in the Early Years

Leadership Skills in the Early Years -- ©2009

June O'Sullivan
  • List Price : £  20.00
Leading the Leaders for the Future

Leading the Leaders for the Future -- ©2009

Michael Bosher
  • List Price : £  25.00
Misinterpreting Modern Russia

Misinterpreting Modern Russia -- ©2009

Bruno S. Sergi
  • List Price : £  75.00
Nazarbayev and the Making of Kazakhstan

Nazarbayev and the Making of Kazakhstan -- ©2009

Jonathan Aitken
  • List Price : £  20.00
Rethinking Educational Leadership

Rethinking Educational Leadership -- ©2009

John West-Burnham
  • List Price : £  25.00
This Sentence is False

This Sentence is False -- ©2009

Peter Cave
  • List Price : £  11.00
Understanding Music

Understanding Music -- ©2009

Roger Scruton
  • List Price : £  20.00