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Catalogue / American Oil Chemical's Society Press

Biobased Surfactants and Detergents Synthesis Properties and Applications

Biobased Surfactants and Detergents Synthesis ... -- ©2009

Douglas G. Hayes
  • List Price : US$  250.00
Canola Chemistry Production Processing and Utilization

Canola Chemistry Production Processing and ... -- ©2011

James K. Daun
  • List Price : US$  250.00
Cocoa Butter and Related Compounds

Cocoa Butter and Related Compounds -- ©2012

Nissim Garti
  • List Price : US$  270.00
Designing Soybeans for 21st Century Markets

Designing Soybeans for 21st Century Markets -- ©2012

Richard F. Wilson
  • List Price : US$  210.00
Edible Oleogels Structure and Health Implications

Edible Oleogels Structure and Health Implications -- ©2011

Alejandro Marangoni
  • List Price : US$  174.00
Extreme Chromatography Faster Hotter Smaller

Extreme Chromatography Faster Hotter Smaller -- ©2011

William Craig Byrdwell
  • List Price : US$  204.00
Formulating Detergents and Personal Care Products

Formulating Detergents and Personal Care Products -- ©2014

Louis Ho Tan Tai
  • List Price : US$  130.00
Green Vegetable Oil Processing Revised 1st Ed.

Green Vegetable Oil Processing Revised 1st Ed. -- ©2014

Walter E. Farr
  • List Price : US$  132.00
Healthful Lipids

Healthful Lipids -- ©2005

Casimir C. Akoh
  • List Price : US$  250.00
Lipid Oxidation Challenges in Food Systems

Lipid Oxidation Challenges in Food Systems -- ©2013

Amy Logan
  • List Price : US$  250.00
Lipids in Nanotechnology

Lipids in Nanotechnology -- ©2012

Moghis U. Ahmad
  • List Price : US$  195.00
Male Fertility and Lipid Metabolism

Male Fertility and Lipid Metabolism -- ©2003

Stephanie R. De Vriese
  • List Price : US$  235.00
Palm Oil Production Processing Characterizations and Uses

Palm Oil Production Processing Characterizations ... -- ©2012

Oi Ming Lai
  • List Price : US$  270.00
Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Oils Fats and Waxes 3ed.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Oils ... -- ©2013

David Firestone
  • List Price : US$  150.00
Practical Handbook of Soybean Processing and Utilization

Practical Handbook of Soybean Processing and ... -- ©1995

D.R. Erickson
  • List Price : US$  118.00
Processing Contaminants in Edible Oils MCPD and Glycidyl

Processing Contaminants in Edible Oils MCPD and ... -- ©2014

Shaun Macmahon
  • List Price : US$  155.00
Soap Manufacturing Technology

Soap Manufacturing Technology -- ©2009

Luis Spitz
  • List Price : US$  223.00
Soybeans Chemistry Production Processing and Utilization

Soybeans Chemistry Production Processing and ... -- ©2008

Lawrence A. Johnson
  • List Price : US$  250.00
Structure Function Analysis of Edible Fats

Structure Function Analysis of Edible Fats -- ©2012

Alejandro Marangoni
  • List Price : US$  175.00
The Biodiesel Handbook 2ed.

The Biodiesel Handbook 2ed. -- ©2010

Gerhard Knothe
  • List Price : US$  150.00