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Catalogue / Gerlach Press

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security Community in the Gulf Region

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security ... -- ©2019

Tim Niblock
  • List Price : £  80.00
Diplomacy of Quasi-Alliances in the Middle East

Diplomacy of Quasi-Alliances in the Middle East -- ©2021

Degang Sun
  • List Price : £  80.00
Economic Diversification in the Gulf States: Public Expenditure and Non-Oil Economic Growth in Bahrain, Oman and Qatar

Economic Diversification in the Gulf States: ... -- ©2019

Yesenn El-radhi
  • List Price : £  90.00
European Muslims and their Foreign Policy Interests: Identities and Loyalties

European Muslims and their Foreign Policy ... -- ©2019

Imene Ajala
  • List Price : £  70.00
Gulfization of the Arab World

Gulfization of the Arab World -- ©2019

Marc Owen Jones
  • List Price : £  70.00
In Search of Ali Ibn Abi Talib's Codex: History and Traditions of the Earliest Copy of the Qur'an

In Search of Ali Ibn Abi Talib's Codex: History ... -- ©2019

Seyfeddin Kara
  • List Price : £  90.00
Intellectual Property Rights: Development and Enforcement in the Arab States of the Gulf

Intellectual Property Rights: Development and ... -- ©2019

Alhanoof Aldebasi
  • List Price : £  80.00
Iran's Strategic Thinking: The Evolution of Iran's Foreign Policy 1979-2017

Iran's Strategic Thinking: The Evolution of ... -- ©2019

Nikolay Kozhanov
  • List Price : £  70.00
Islamic Theological Discourses and the Legacy of Kalam: Gestation, Movements and Controversies 3 Vol.Set.

Islamic Theological Discourses and the Legacy of ... -- ©2019

Mustafa Shah
  • List Price : £  465.00
Islamist Occidentalism: Sayyid Qutb and the Western Other

Islamist Occidentalism: Sayyid Qutb and the ... -- ©2019

Nadia Duvall
  • List Price : £  70.00
Kuwait's Politics Before Independence: The Role of the Balancing Powers

Kuwait's Politics Before Independence: The Role ... -- ©2019

Abdulrahman Alebrahim
  • List Price : £  80.00
Occidentalism, Conspiracy and Taboo

Occidentalism, Conspiracy and Taboo -- ©2019

Sadik J. Al-azm
  • List Price : £  70.00
Oil Men, Territorial Ambitions and Political Agents: From Pearls to Oil in the Trucial States of the Gulf 2 Vol.Set.

Oil Men, Territorial Ambitions and Political ... -- ©2019

David Heard
  • List Price : £  185.00
Reform of Islam: Forty Theses for an Islamic Ethics in the 21st Century

Reform of Islam: Forty Theses for an Islamic ... -- ©2019

Abdel-Hakim Ourghi
  • List Price : £  80.00
Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification Through Regional Collaboration

Science and Technology Development in the Gulf ... -- ©2019

Laura Diaz Anadon
  • List Price : £  75.00
The Fatwa As an Islamic Legal Instrument: Concept, Historical Role, Contemporary Relevance 3 Vol.set.

The Fatwa As an Islamic Legal Instrument: ... -- ©2019

Carool Kersten
  • List Price : £  465.00
The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf Region: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary, Evidence-Based and Practical Understanding

The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf ... -- ©2019

David B. Jones
  • List Price : £  85.00
The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes

The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: ... -- ©2018

Tim Niblock
  • List Price : £  70.00
The Muslim Theology of Huzn: Sorrow Unravelled

The Muslim Theology of Huzn: Sorrow Unravelled -- ©2019

Mahshid Turner
  • List Price : £  70.00