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Catalogue / Pearson

Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy, 5/E

Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy, ... -- ©2012

Daniel E. Hall
  • List Price : US$  142.00
Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professions, 2/E

Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive ... -- ©2013

Bruce J. Colbert
  • List Price : US$  73.00
Automotive Diesel Technology

Automotive Diesel Technology -- ©2013

Gus Wright
  • List Price : US$  102.00
Criminal Law

Criminal Law -- ©2013

John L. Worrall
  • List Price : US$  127.00
Criminology: A Brief Introduction

Criminology: A Brief Introduction -- ©2011

Frank Schmalleger
  • List Price : US$  109.00
Cyber Law The law of the internet and information Technology

Cyber Law The law of the internet and information ... -- ©2013

Brian Craig
  • List Price : US$  131.00
Dynamics of Structures, 4/E

Dynamics of Structures, 4/E -- ©2012

Anil K. Chopra
  • List Price : US$  198.00
Ethics for the Legal Professional, 7/E

Ethics for the Legal Professional, 7/E -- ©2011

Deborah K. Orlik
  • List Price : US$  120.00
Fashion Drawing: Illustration Techniques for Fashion Designers

Fashion Drawing: Illustration Techniques for ... -- ©2012

Michele Wesen Bryant
  • List Price : US$  115.00
Global Franchising Operations Management: Cases in International and Emerging Markets Operations

Global Franchising Operations Management: Cases ... -- ©2012

Barry Render
  • List Price : US$  100.00
Health Law and Medical Ethics

Health Law and Medical Ethics -- ©2013

James Allen
  • List Price : US$  80.00
Law and Economics, 6/E

Law and Economics, 6/E -- ©2012

Robert Cooter
  • List Price : US$  220.00
Management: A Focus on Leaders, Preliminary Edition

Management: A Focus on Leaders, Preliminary ... -- ©2011

Annie McKee
  • List Price : US$  180.00
Modern Database Management, 11/E

Modern Database Management, 11/E -- ©2013

Jeffrey A. Hoffer
  • List Price : US$  209.00
Money, Banking, and the Financial System

Money, Banking, and the Financial System -- ©2012

R. Glenn Hubbard
  • List Price : US$  220.00
Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution -- ©2013

Beverly J. DeMarr
  • List Price : US$  119.00
Principles of Marketing, 14/E

Principles of Marketing, 14/E -- ©2012

Philip Kotler
  • List Price : US$  242.00
Ratio & Proportion Dosage Calculations, 2/E

Ratio & Proportion Dosage Calculations, 2/E -- ©2014

Anthony Patrick Giangrasso
  • List Price : US$  73.00
Textiles, 11/E

Textiles, 11/E -- ©2011

Sara J. Kadolph
  • List Price : US$  132.00
The Food and Culture Around the World Handbook,

The Food and Culture Around the World Handbook, -- ©2011

Helen C. Brittin
  • List Price : US$  42.00