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Catalogue / Lexis Nexis U.K.

Banking and Financial Services  Regulation 3/ed

Banking and Financial Services Regulation 3/ed -- ©2002

William Blair
  • List Price : £  210.00
Buckley : The Law of Negligence

Buckley : The Law of Negligence -- ©2005

Richard A Buckley
  • List Price : £  242.00
Corporate Administrations and Rescue Procedures 2/ed

Corporate Administrations and Rescue Procedures ... -- ©2004

Ian Fletcher
  • List Price : £  135.00
Criminal Procedure Systems in the European Community

Criminal Procedure Systems in the European ... -- ©1993

Christine Van Dan Wyngaert
  • List Price : £  95.00
Cross-Examination in Criminal Trials 2nd/Ed

Cross-Examination in Criminal Trials 2nd/Ed -- ©1998

Marcus Stone
  • List Price : £  35.00
Employer's Liability Cases

Employer's Liability Cases -- ©2003

Tim Oliver
  • List Price : £  138.00
Intellectual Property and the Internet

Intellectual Property and the Internet -- ©2002

Rodney D Ryder
  • List Price : Rs  695.00
Intellectual Property in Designs

Intellectual Property in Designs -- ©2005

John Sykes
  • List Price : £  160.00
International Commercial Litigation

International Commercial Litigation -- ©1997

Stephen Cromie
  • List Price : £  220.00
International Insolvency Law

International Insolvency Law -- ©1994

Philip Wood
  • List Price : £  210.00
Judicial Review 3rd/ed

Judicial Review 3rd/ed -- ©2005

Michael Supperstone
  • List Price : £  200.00
Kelly's Draftsman

Kelly's Draftsman -- ©2006

R.W. Ramage
  • List Price : £  290.00
Law of Betting Gaming and Lotteries 2nd/Ed

Law of Betting Gaming and Lotteries 2nd/Ed -- ©2001

Stephen Philip Monkcom
  • List Price : £  178.00
Lingard's Bank Security Documents

Lingard's Bank Security Documents -- ©2006

Timothy N Parsons
  • List Price : £  202.00
Procedures And Decisions Of The Scottish Solicitors Discipline Tribunal

Procedures And Decisions Of The Scottish ... -- ©1995

Ian S. Smith
  • List Price : £  26.00
Property In Europe Law And Practice

Property In Europe Law And Practice -- ©1998

Anthony Hurndall
  • List Price : £  130.00
Technology Transfer Law Practice and Precedents 2/ed

Technology Transfer Law Practice and Precedents ... -- ©2003

Mark Anderson
  • List Price : £  155.00
The Sale and Management of Flats: Practice and Precedents 2/ed

The Sale and Management of Flats: Practice and ... -- ©1996

Hugh Barraclough
  • List Price : £  96.00
Tolley's Commercial Contraccts Checklists

Tolley's Commercial Contraccts Checklists -- ©2004

Rex Nwakodo
  • List Price : Rs 1000.00
Waste Regulation Law

Waste Regulation Law -- ©1999

Duncon Laurence
  • List Price : £  84.00