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Catalogue / Dover Publications Inc.

A First Course in Numerical Analysis 2Ed.

A First Course in Numerical Analysis 2Ed. -- ©2001

Anthony Ralston
  • List Price : US$  27.00
Applied Functional Analysis

Applied Functional Analysis -- ©2002

D.H. Griffel
  • List Price : US$  25.00
Basic Set Theory

Basic Set Theory -- ©2002

Azriel Levy
  • List Price : US$  25.00
Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach 2Ed.

Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach 2Ed. -- ©1998

Morris Kline
  • List Price : US$  29.00
Elements of Gasdynamics

Elements of Gasdynamics -- ©2002

H.W. Liepmann
  • List Price : US$  33.00
Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics -- ©1999

Dimitri Mihalas
  • List Price : US$  35.00
Functional Analysis 2Ed.

Functional Analysis 2Ed. -- ©1998

George Bachman
  • List Price : US$  25.00
Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems

Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems -- ©2003

David M. Young
  • List Price : US$  30.00
Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers: Definitions, Theorems, and Formulas for Reference and Review

Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and ... -- ©2000

Granino A. Korn
  • List Price : US$  41.00
Mathematical Logic

Mathematical Logic -- ©2002

Stephen Cole Kleene
  • List Price : US$  25.00
Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe 3Ed.

Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe 3Ed. -- ©2010

Sherman K. Stein
  • List Price : US$  30.00
Modern Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Modern Calculus and Analytic Geometry -- ©2012

Richard A. Silverman
  • List Price : US$  43.00
Optimization Theory for Large Systems

Optimization Theory for Large Systems -- ©2011

Leon S. Lasdon
  • List Price : US$  30.00
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena

Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature ... -- ©2002

Ya. B. Zel'dovich
  • List Price : US$  43.00
Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages

Protection of Electronic Circuits from ... -- ©2002

Ronald B. Standler
  • List Price : US$  29.00
Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry

Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry -- ©2002

George C. Schatz
  • List Price : US$  25.00
Scattering Theory of Waves and Particles 2Ed.

Scattering Theory of Waves and Particles 2Ed. -- ©2013

Roger G. Newton
  • List Price : US$  40.00
The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis

The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and ... -- ©2000

Thomas J.R. Hughes
  • List Price : US$  43.00
The Science of Measurement: A Historical Survey

The Science of Measurement: A Historical Survey -- ©2011

Hebert Arthur Klein
  • List Price : US$  29.00
The Works of Archimedes

The Works of Archimedes -- ©2002

T.L. Health
  • List Price : US$  25.00