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Catalogue / Salem Press U.S.A.

Applied Science

Applied Science -- ©2012

Donald R. Franceschetti
  • List Price : US$  595.00
Computer Technology Innovators

Computer Technology Innovators -- ©2013

Press Salem
  • List Price : US$  95.00
Critical Survey of : Mystery & Detective Fiction 5 Vol.Set

Critical Survey of : Mystery & Detective Fiction ... -- ©2008

Carl Rollyson
  • List Price : US$  399.00
Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore Love, Sexuality, and Desire (2 vol set)

Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore Love, ... -- ©2013

Sienkewicz Thomas J.
  • List Price : US$  295.00
Defining Documents in American History: Exploration and Colonial America (2 Vol Set)

Defining Documents in American History: ... -- ©2013

Daisy Martin
  • List Price : US$  295.00
Defining Documents in American History: The American Revolution 1754-1805 (2 Vol. Set)

Defining Documents in American History: The ... -- ©2013

Peter Kratzke
  • List Price : US$  295.00
Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues

Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues -- ©2012

Craig W Allin
  • List Price : US$  495.00
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (3 Vol Set)

Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (3 Vol ... -- ©2011

Sarah J. Greenwald
  • List Price : US$  395.00
Great Events from History : The 20th Century (6 vol set)

Great Events from History : The 20th Century (6 ... -- ©2008

Robert F. Gorman
  • List Price : US$  495.00
Great Lives From History : Notorious Lives (3 vol set)

Great Lives From History : Notorious Lives (3 vol ... -- ©2007

Carl L. Bankston
  • List Price : US$  295.00
Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy (3 Vol Set)

Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy ... -- ©2011

Howard Bromberg
  • List Price : US$  395.00
Internet Innovators

Internet Innovators -- ©2013

Press Salem
  • List Price : US$  95.00
Magill's Choice : Holocaust Literature

Magill's Choice : Holocaust Literature -- ©2008

John K. Roth
  • List Price : US$  120.00
Magill's Choice : Notable Natural Disasters

Magill's Choice : Notable Natural Disasters -- ©2007

Marlene Bradord
  • List Price : US$  217.00
Magill's Choice : Short Story Writers (6 vol set)

Magill's Choice : Short Story Writers (6 vol set) -- ©2008

Charles E. May
  • List Price : US$  217.00
Masterplots II : Christian Literature (4vol set)

Masterplots II : Christian Literature (4vol set) -- ©2008

John K. Roth
  • List Price : US$  385.00
Notable American Novelists

Notable American Novelists -- ©2008

John O' Hara
  • List Price : US$  217.00
Salem Health:Addictions & Substance Abuse

Salem Health:Addictions & Substance Abuse -- ©2012

Robin Kamienny Montvilo
  • List Price : US$  275.00
Salem Health:Complementary & Alternative Medicine (4 vol Set)

Salem Health:Complementary & Alternative Medicine ... -- ©2012

Richard P. Capriccioso
  • List Price : US$  495.00
U.S. Supreme Court (3 vol set )

U.S. Supreme Court (3 vol set ) -- ©2007

Thomas Tandy Lewis
  • List Price : US$  217.00