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Catalogue / CSIRO Publishing

Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of North-western Australia

Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of ... -- ©2018

John Huisman
  • List Price : US$  175.00
Australia's Dangerous Snakes: Identification, Biology and Envenoming

Australia's Dangerous Snakes: Identification, ... -- ©2017

Peter Mirtschin
  • List Price : US$  90.00
Chemistry in the Marketplace 6Ed.

Chemistry in the Marketplace 6Ed. -- ©2017

Ben Selinger
  • List Price : US$  53.00
Current Therapy in Medicine of Australian Mammals

Current Therapy in Medicine of Australian Mammals -- ©2019

Larry Vogelnest
  • List Price : US$  175.00
Effective Ecological Monitoring 2Ed.

Effective Ecological Monitoring 2Ed. -- ©2018

David Lindenmayer
  • List Price : US$  38.00
Fungi of Australia: Inocybaceae (Plant Science / Horticulture)

Fungi of Australia: Inocybaceae (Plant Science / ... -- ©2017

P Brandon Matheny
  • List Price : US$  180.00
Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates

Guide to Venomous and Medically Important ... -- ©2019

David Bowles
  • List Price : US$  48.00
Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological ... -- ©2018

Sarah Legge
  • List Price : US$  53.00
Natural Resources and Environmental Justice: Australian Perspectives

Natural Resources and Environmental Justice: ... -- ©2017

Anna Lukasiewicz
  • List Price : US$  68.00
Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook

Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook -- ©2016

Sharon Hook
  • List Price : US$  68.00
Pest Management of Turfgrass for Sport and Recreation

Pest Management of Turfgrass for Sport and ... -- ©2016

Gary Beehag
  • List Price : US$  105.00
Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia 7Ed.

Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia 7Ed. -- ©2018

Harold Cogger
  • List Price : US$  128.00
Reptiles of Victoria: A Guide to Identification and Ecology

Reptiles of Victoria: A Guide to Identification ... -- ©2019

Peter Robertson
  • List Price : US$  40.00
Saving the Tasmanian Devil: Recovery through Science-based Management

Saving the Tasmanian Devil: Recovery through ... -- ©2019

Carolyn Hogg
  • List Price : US$  96.00
Small Cattle for Small Farms 2Ed.

Small Cattle for Small Farms 2Ed. -- ©2016

Margo Hayes
  • List Price : US$  37.00
Splendid Ghost Moths and Their Allies: A Revision of Australian Abantiades, Oncopera, Aenetus, Archaeoaenetus and Zelotypia

Splendid Ghost Moths and Their Allies: A Revision ... -- ©2018

Thomas Simonsen
  • List Price : US$  147.00
Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands

Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: ... -- ©2018

Harold Heatwole
  • List Price : US$  120.00
Wildlife of the Otways and Shipwreck Coast

Wildlife of the Otways and Shipwreck Coast -- ©2019

Grant Palmer
  • List Price : US$  40.00