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Catalogue / Cornell University Press

Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middle Ages

Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middle ... -- ©2016

Nancy Mandeville Caciola
  • List Price : £  27.00
I Love Learning I Hate School An Anthropology of College

I Love Learning I Hate School An Anthropology of ... -- ©2016

Susan D. Blum
  • List Price : £  17.00
Outsourcing War

Outsourcing War -- ©2016

Amy E. Eckert
  • List Price : £  27.00
Religion on the Battlefield

Religion on the Battlefield -- ©2016

Ron E. Hassner
  • List Price : £  17.00
The Soul of Armies: Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Military Culture in the US and UK

The Soul of Armies: Counterinsurgency Doctrine ... -- ©2017

Austin Long
  • List Price : £  17.00
Third Wave Capitalism

Third Wave Capitalism -- ©2016

John Ehrenreich
  • List Price : £  20.00
Tropical Fruits and Other Edible Plants of the World

Tropical Fruits and Other Edible Plants of the ... -- ©2016

Rolf Blancke
  • List Price : £  30.00
What Galileo Saw Imagining the Scientific Revolution

What Galileo Saw Imagining the Scientific ... -- ©2014

Lawrence Lipking
  • List Price : £  17.00
Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil -- ©2016

Robert S. Ridgely Robert S. Ridgely
  • List Price : £  24.00